Air Buds

Air Buds: Mike Mulloy Returns

Episode Summary

The Air Buds welcome returning champion Mike Mulloy (comedian, Twitter rapscallion) to talk about the NBA Finals that nobody is too excited for, Bryan Colangelo's burner accounts, and what exactly Damian Lillard meant when he tweeted, "Put this brown thing in that round thing." As always, please subscribe to us on iTunes, give us a rating and review, and tell all your friends to listen to the REAL Air Buds! Give us a 5-star review and we'll shout you out on the pod!

Episode Notes

The Air Buds welcome returning champion Mike Mulloy (comedian, Twitter rapscallion) to talk about the NBA Finals that nobody is too excited for, Bryan Colangelo's burner accounts, and what exactly Damian Lillard meant when he tweeted, "Put this brown thing in that round thing."
As always, please subscribe to us on iTunes, give us a rating and review, and tell all your friends to listen to the REAL Air Buds! Give us a 5-star review and we'll shout you out on the pod!